Joyful Soul

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Who Are You?

Hello Joy-Seekers,

This message is especially for those of you who have had a significant spiritual shift which perhaps even completely changed the course of your life.

Who are you today and do you still identify with your previous self? For instance, when you meet someone for the first time and the usual introductory questions pop up do you start to talk about who you used to be followed by who you are now?

I often find myself explaining to people that I used to be in finance where I did blah blah blah and now I’m a life coach and medium…The first part is no longer relevant. My previous life has no bearing on what I do now so why do I feel the need to explain? If this feels familiar I think it’s a clear sign that you're still hanging on to a little bit of fear. The fear that you had when you decided to step out of your shell and follow our true path. The fear of not being accepted, facing judgement and doubt from others or just plain failure. For those of you who have chosen to reinvent yourself, maybe more than once, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

It took me a long time to become comfortable with the complete change in my career and life trajectory, even though I had no doubts about the decision, and it’s obviously still a work in progress but I’m not stressed about it. Actually, the fact that it’s become so annoying to me is a clear sign that I’m truly ready to leave the past exactly where it belongs. Bye!

Now, join me in taking a huge step forward and out of the shadow of your old self. That person no longer exists, the real you is waiting for their turn in the spotlight. It’s time to shine!

Much love,
