Hello Joy-Seekers
When the world starts to crumble around you, how do you continue to ground yourself? This is the question that’s been on my mind for the last few weeks, for obvious reasons. When all of the things that make you feel secure such as money, a job, family, health, and various infrastructures, start to show their cracks, how do you continue to stand strong?
All of our lives are changing significantly- and at the same time. Get ready fro some unexpected shifts. You’re going to find the strength that you never knew you had. You’re going to revisit relationships and connections that you had perhaps neglected over the years. You’re going to find that you are needed and able to help in both big and small ways. Will you answer the call?
Personally, I’ve taken a long break from the thing that I love doing the most which is coaching and connecting with others but the current state of the world is pulling me back where I belong - thankfully.
Over the next little while I’m going to focus on a number of things that help me, or have been suggested by others, to remain centred when we have no control about what happens around us. The only thing that you truly have control over is yourself.
So please check in every few days or once a week, whenever you have time. I’ll keep sharing as I’m inspired. Share your comments on this page, I would love to hear from you. We’re all in this together.
Much Love,