Could it be that out of this chaos and crisis we are all becoming ourselves again? Returning to who we really are.

As our busy schedules of work, school, social activities…the list goes on, fade away, who have you become? Although it has come about in an unsettling manner, time has been given back to you. Use it to reflect on the things that you left by the wayside. It might be family togetherness, a phone call you’ve been meaning to make, cooking a favourite meal etc.

It’s also a time to reflect on what you need in this moment. This is the message we drown out day after day as we go through our list of things we have to accomplish.

Start by taking 5-10 minutes out of your day to sit in meditation, read a chapter of your favourite book, play some music…your inner voice will let you know what you need. Listen. This is a time for healing and the place to start is with you.